Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment

Our Team

Where People Comes First

Chiropractor . Exercise Trainer . Yoga Instructor

Dr Alecia Chan

Dr Alecia is a certified chiropractor, certified quantum meridian practitioner, certified Interactive Metronome (IM) practitioner, certified Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS) exercise trainer, and a certified yoga instructor. She has always had a passion for health and wellbeing, and has been taking an unconventional chiropractic approach. Going beyond chiropractic adjustment, Dr Alecia delves into neurology, sensory integration, quantum meridian, brain timing, human body movements and ergonomics in order to treat her patients and help them to restore overall health and wellbeing.

Dr Alecia’s ability to think outside the box has served her patients well, who seek her services for a diverse range of needs, from musculoskeletal problems solving, therapeutic cranial and jaw pain release, sports & work injuries relief and prevention, breathing & core stabilisation, sensory desensitisation, auditory and brain timing training, to pregnancy wellness and safe baby handling. Dr Alecia sees patients with special needs, with disability, with critical illness and those who experience post-traumatic events in their lives.

Dr Alecia considers herself a lifetime learner and is always researching, studying and refining her skills with the latest and the most effective clinical therapeutic techniques and efficient motor movements: Neural Organisational Technique, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Advanced Biostructural Correction, Active Release Technique, Quantum Meridian, Dry Needling and Cupping, Kinesiology Taping, DNS, Yoga and Pilates.

Dr Alecia writes and speaks fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay. She has keen interest in not just helping people to prevent body symptoms but to inspire them to achieve optimal whole person wellness that everyone deserves.

Dr Alecia practises in two private chiropractic integrative clinics and a medical centre in the northern Gold Coast (Coomera, Helensvale) and southern Gold Coast (Robina). 
