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Chiropractic Treatment
Massage 。Exercise
Relieve Pain to Live a Better Quality of Life

Spines, Joints, Cranium, Jaw Manual Therapy
Induce proper motion on restricted joints of the head, jaw, spine and extremities to restore joints normal range of motion.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
Break scar tissues and adhesions in tendons, ligaments, capsules, muscles and joints. Dermatological and cosmetic application. Men's health.

Deep Muscle Release Therapy
Apply low bio-frequency pulses to penetrate into deep muscles with tractioning and driving motions to diffuse trigger points in muscles for effective pain relief.

Far Infrared Deep Heat Therapy
Reduce water and fat retention, reduce swelling. Detoxify body. Improve exercise and wound recovery.

Active & Passive Muscle Release
Active soft tissue release using Active Release Technique (ART) to treat abnormal soft tissues by combining precisely directed tension with movements.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation Exercise
Promote foundation of healthy movements, spine stability and joints contrition by reconditioning the brain to integrate subconscious body movements in daily life.

Breathing & Postural Correction
Diaphragmatic breathing to improve core stability and increase trunk uprighting so as to improve standing, sitting and walking postures.

Sports & Work Injury Prevention
Identify poor ergonomics at work and during sports that contribute to your pain. Correct poor ergonomics to prevent repetitive strain or sprain on soft tissue structures.

Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder Exercise
Improve autonomic responses like increasing heart rate and blood circulation, support muscles, foster healing, and re-establishing nervous system. resilience for handling stress.

Kinesiology Taping
Improve circulation, support muscles, foster healing, and help prevent injury or further injury.

Yoga Classes
Yin yoga, Vinyasa, Bikram Yoga, Pilates and Trigger Points Release classes, run in a group or individual customised exercises.

Online Exercise
Subscribe to online exercises targeted at specific muscles to be stretched or strengthened.
How Can We Help?

Pain Relief
Using the most effective soft tissue release techniques and joints mobilisation techniques.

Investigate Causes of Pain
So as to minimise chances of loading the joints or soft tissues with undue pressure that contribute to pain.

Pain Prevention
Correcting postures and poor habits, alternative ways of performing tasks without injury muscles and joints.
How Are We Different
Latest News and Research
Find out the latest news about Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment, and useful research information.
We are always happy to hear what you have to say so be sure to leave a comment.

Chin Tuck to Relieve Forward Head Posture
Simple exercise that you can do when you are at your desk or driving, that can help to protect your neck and maintain good neck posture.

What is Primitive Reflex?
Poor balance, dislike loud sound or feeling restless? Masgutova Neurosensori Reflex Integration (MNRI) is a powerful therapy for primitive reflex integration.

Neck Curve
Loss of your healthy spinal curves is one of the earliest contributors to poor function and irreversible spinal damage. The Denneroll products create a stretch which can improve movement, relieve muscle tension, and assist in the correction of poor spinal curves.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our doctors of chiropractic will need you to attend an initial consultation and assessment so as to determine the most effective treatment modality targeting at your condition.
The treatment modality can change every appointment depending on how your body responded to the last treatment.
Our practitioners believe in treating every individual as a whole person. We do not only help you to relieve your pain, but also help you to prevent the pain to return.
We use manual approach or can choose to use medical graded equipments to help you to minimise pain.
When you are in less pain or no pain, we educate you the specific posture or exercise that empower your body for long lasting pain free days.
Our fees varies by the type of service recommended to you, and also the actual time spent during the appointment.
Fees are generally higher if equipment is being used because the equipment can deliver better result than manual approach.
Please call or text us at +614 0289 6804 for the fees schedule.
Yes, if you have private health insurance with extra cover, we can process claims using our online claiming system for certain insurance companies. If the online claiming system cannot process your claim, we will issue a payment receipt for you to claim from your private health insurance.
There will be a gap payment after private health insurance claim. The amount of gap payment is depending on the level of your insurance cover.
Our fees can be claimed through the Chiropractic service portion in your extra cover. You will need to check with your private health insurance company for how much you have per annum for Chiropractic claims.
Yes, we accept Medicare Chronic Disease Management plan (CDM) or Team Care Arrangement (TCA) with your General Practitioner (GP) referral.
Who is Eligible?
You are eligible if you have a chronic condition and you have a Medicare card. Your GP will create a Chronic Disease Management plan for you and they can refer you to a chiropractor on a Team Care Arrangement up to five visits per calendar year.
How do I Get a Referral?
Step 1: Call or text us at +614 0289 6804 to ask for our chiropractors’ Medicare Provider Numbers.
Step 2: Book an appointment to see your GP.
Step 3: Discuss your specific chronic condition with your GP and your eligibility for chiropractic care under a CDM plan.
Step 4: If you are eligible, give your GP your chiropractor’s Medicare Provider Number. The GP will give you a hard copy of your TCA referral that you will need to bring to us at your next appointment.
What is a Chronic Condition?
A chronic condition is defined as a condition that has been present for six months or longer.
While you may be suffering from acute low back pain, neck pain or a headache that has only be present for a few days. These symptoms are often associated with underlying causes that are chronic in nature that you may not be aware of.
What Conditions are Eligible?
Any condition that is chronic and complex is covered by Medicare through the CDM program. The most common conditions that we see are
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Sciatica
- Bulging and prolapsed disc injuries
- Pain from arthritis or degenerative joints disease
About Us

Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment is a progressive chiropractic clinic located in Queensland serving the Gold Coast community and surrounding suburbs.
Our Chiropractors aim to help improve your health and wellbeing by introducing you to a new and improved way of life!