Near Far Infrared Deep Heat Therapy

Near Far Infrared Deep Heat Therapy
(1) adopts the German microcrystalline magnetic resonance technology to generate resonant energy wave to the shoulders, chest, abdominal, back and the sole of the feet in a seated position.
(2) The resonant energy caused the body cells vibrate to generate autonomous heat. This deep heat raises the local body tissues temperature to 39 to 41.5 degrees celsius.
(3) Blood capillaries expand and the blood flow increases by 3 to 5 times, promoting blood microcirculation throughout the body. The activated cells boost immune functions and body systems. Perspiration occurs, dampness and cold is released from the body.

German’s advanced Microcrystalline Magnetic Resonance (MMR) 微晶磁热 generates biological resonance wave to effectively heat up blood vessels and organs evenly to promote blood circulation.

Near Far Infrared 近远红外线

Dr Takeshi Ishihara, Senior Consultant to the Former Prime Minister of Japan advocates for the main causes of illnesses are
1. Low Body Temperature
Dr Ishihara’s best selling book “Temperature Determines Health” proposed that when the body temperature decreases by 1 degree celsius, the immunity will be reduced by 37%, and the metabolic cell functions will be reduced by 50%. On a contrary, when body temperature rises by 1 degree, the immunity increases by 5 to 6 times.
According to Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine, “Those that cannot be cured by drugs can be treated with surgery; those that cannot be cured by surgery can be treated with hyperthermia; and those that cannot be cured by hyperthermia cannot be cured.”
2. Dirty Blood: toxins in the body that cannot be excreted prevent nutrients transportation and absorption.
Near Far Infrared Therapy aims to help the human body to restore its self healing function. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that when the “Kidney Energy” is the body is full, diseases cannot invade the body cells.

Suitable Conditions

All Diseases Start from the Cold, and
the Cold is Trapped from the Feet

Feet is the furthest away from the heart. Blood circulation to the lower extremities is retrograded and upward, therefore the circulation is slow. The acupressure points on the sole of the feet correspond to different organs of the body such as kidney, spleen, liver, stomach, gallbladder, lungs.
细胞死亡的唯一原因: 有毒排不出,有养送不到
癌症,心肌梗塞,脑中风这三大死因与体寒而硬化有关。80% 的人都湿寒!体温降低,皮肤肌肉骨头都变硬,内脏也无法幸免。


通过微晶磁震的原理,使细胞受磁共振导致高速运动和摩擦,细胞膜产生热,远红外线输热能进内脏腑,使体温提高 1 度至 8 度,提升内脏温度,皮肤大量出汗,打通体内的气,血,水并促进循环,恢复血管的筋膜,提高肌筋柔软度,细胞经络同频共振疏通经络,让身体达到以下效果:
- 内脏排毒
- 身体排湿,排寒,排脂
- 消炎,提高免疫力,每当体温提高 1 度,免疫力即提升 5 倍
- 调整内分泌
- 对于风寒感冒,失眠,忧郁症,宫寒,身体局部发凉有显著效果
- 预防癌症

Preparation Before Therapy
- Drink one cup of warm hot water every hour, 3 hours before the therapy.
- Please bring
ONE large bath towels
ONE hand towel to wipe sweat off
ONE bottle of warm water to drink during session
ONE set of long sleeve shirt and pants to change into
- 治疗时间前三小时,请每小时尽量喝一杯温热的水。例如:治疗时间是上午 10 点,上午 7 点喝一杯温水,8 点喝一杯温水,9点喝一杯温水。温热的水有助于排毒,稀释血液,净血,并补充治疗时将失去的水分。
- 请穿吸汗的衣裤。衣和裤的长短因个人的喜好。
一套长袖衣裤 - 请在治疗未开始前上厕所。
- 足底干裂者可以涂抹精油以增加波率传导。
- 坐着有背靠,双赤脚掌平稳踏在踏板上,不建议只用脚尖或脚跟使用
- 能量腰带放置在五脏六腑位置
- 正常呼吸,专心体验身体温度的变化
- 使用中会感觉全身发热,细胞运动了血液循环加速,发热是正常的
- 脚踝受伤者的脚踝也许会有灼热感
- 使用完后毛孔都是打开的,需要一直把汗擦干后换衣裤,避免吹风以免受凉,过了至少 1 小时后才能洗澡
- 细胞
- 体液
- 血液
- 肌肉
- 黏膜
- 气血充盈,面部红润,精气旺盛,体能增加
- 气血通了,大气血小气血通畅了,营养物质就会更完整的疏通到各个身体器官和组织,让营养元素更容易渗透和吸收
- 加强对外界病毒,风寒的抵御能力,不容易感冒,
- 提高免疫力
- 排气影响润化和代谢,增强五脏六腑的正常运行
- 体内湿气随着汗液排出,排湿时汗液有粘稠感,不怕寒冷
- 细胞运动会产生热能,相当于跑步运动,有减掉脏腑器官脂肪的效果

- 骨关节病患:大量加速血液循环,使骨关节炎症淡化
- 经痛:通气血通经络
- 初期感冒患者
- 身体有湿气
- 手脚寒凉,宫寒:帮助气血运行到位,催走邪气寒气,旺盛体内正气
- 免疫力差
- 疲倦乏力
- 肥胖肿胀
- 脂肪肝病患
- 冠心或肺病患者:通气血改善供氧供血
- 胃寒脾湿,肾毒,青春痘,前列腺病患者:清理和改善血液,体液,淋巴内分泌和泌尿系统
- 肾病患者:加速新陈代谢,将肾内大量毒素排出体外
- 失眠或脑神经患者:深入刺激足底失眠点的反射区,供血供氧到脑
- 腰椎间盘突出患者:帮助消除压迫神经水肿,促进椎盘周围组织自修复能力,供血供氧,提高神经传导,改善疼痛
Far Infrared Therapy is not suitable for individuals with the following conditions:
1. High fever or sick
2. Post major surgery or stroke WITHIN six month
3. Has implanted metal foreign bodies (pacemakers, stents)
4. Epilepsy, mental illness, hemophilia, cerebral hemorrhage, severe heart, lung and kidney function issues
5. Women during menstrual period, Pregnant women, breastfeeding women
- 孕妇
- 发高烧患者
- 体内有金属患者
- 携心脏起博器患者
- 精神不健全患者
- 严重心脏病患者
- 严重高血压患者
- 13 岁以下的女生和 15 岁以下的男生因身体的电阻值与成年人较低,受热程度也不如成年人。