Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment

iliotibial band & tensor fascia lata
stretching & Strengthening

Disclaimer: These exercises are uniquely designed for certain musculoskeletal conditions and should only be done as prescribed by your practitioner at Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment and should not be done if unprescribed.


Thread the Needle

Chin tuck, shoulder blades and tail bone grounded as much as possible, both hips must be grounded.
Left knee to move towards face during inhalation.
Right knee to move away from face during exhalation.
Hold for 5 deep breaths.

Repeat on other side. Total 2 sets (1 right 1 left) in each routine.
2 routines per day, one after waking up from bed, second routine before sleep.
Take to Next Level: Hold for 7 breaths, then to 10 breaths.


trigger points release
