Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment

Upper and Lower Back Stretching Exercises

Erector Spinae, Quadratus Lumborum

Side Bend against Wall

Left palm on wall, right fingers towards wall, straighten knees, straighten elbows. Hold for 5 deep breaths.
Repeat on other side. Total 2 sets (1 right 1 left) in each routine.
1 routine per day, before sleep.
Take to Next Level: Hold for 7 breaths, then to 10 breaths.

Pectoralis & Shoulders Stretches

Side Lying 
Right shoulder bent palm down with shoulders stack on top of each other.
Hold for 10 deep breaths.
Bend knees to lying on back.
Repeat other side. Total 2 sets (1 left 1 right) in each routine.
2 routines per day, one after waking up from bed, second routine before sleep.
Take to Next Level: Hold for 20 breaths, then to 30 breaths.