Chiropractic and Yoga Alignment

Yoga & Pilates

We Teach

体位瑜伽 Alignment Yoga


The precise Bikram sequence of 27 postures and 2 breathing exercises to take your body to a whole new level of joint mobility, fascial stretching, organ detoxification, blood circulation, fitness boosting, and truly transform your body from the inside out. Instructors will guide you into and out of the postures safely. Half of the class is performed on your feet (standing), and the other half is on the floor. The perfect set of movements helps to unlock your joints, release and strengthen your spine and give your skin a superglow! If you want a quick way to optimum health, here it is!

We Teach

流瑜伽  Flow


The use of dynamic flowing Vinyasa movements to enliven your mind, body and soul with our signature Flow class. From gentle floor stretches we begin to raise the body energy and draw warmth into the core of the body. The freedom of movement creates new ways for the body to learn balancing, designed to sharpen your mind, and to strengthen the body functions as well as optimise your health. The postures re-train bodies to mitigate stress response by using the breath and mental focus, living with clarity, vigour and zest.

We Teach

普拉提  Pilates


Low impact, high energy! Commence with full-body stretches to shift your energy, then a safe but strong total body blitz to sculpt the abs, butt, thighs – the usual suspects! Pilates builds strength, improves stability and balance, endurance, coordination, mobility and more! This class is suitable for all levels and ages. Instructors will support you to work at your pace and find the freedom in your body that’s been missing. The soundtracks keep you motivated throughout the class!

We Teach

阴瑜伽 Yin Yoga


Traditional non-heated Yin is based on meridians and extended holds. Experience the subtle art of letting go in this non-heated, floor-based Yin class. Suitable for all levels, and especially great for those with aching joints, gym stiffness or stressful lifestyles. Expect only 5-10 postures per class, with longer hold times creating opportunities for meditation, gentle decompression of the joints and emotional release. 

We Teach

肌筋膜放松与深度拉伸  Trigger Points Release

肌肉长期没运动会促使肌肉僵硬紧张,加上平日不良身体姿势很容易导致肌筋膜紧缩,养分带不进去肌肉,代谢物出不去,肌肉酸痛,腿脚酸胀。放松肌筋膜应刻不容缓,才不会影响关节脊骨神经功能。此课注重肩颈腰背手脚肌筋膜放松,然后深度拉伸主要肌体,有效恢复关节脊骨活动范围。 Therapeutic, yin-motivated roll & release. Commit to this yin-style class to truly honour your body back to balanced mobility and wellness. Whatever your age, fitness level or training regime, put this class on your to-do list! Using gravity, blocks, straps, and balls our experienced teacher will guide your body through slow postures to release joint and muscle tension, realign joints and release fascia tightness. You will experience deep release and total body transformation, from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head!
